Alpha Win Capital Financial Research Professional




キューブシステム IRサイト新規ウィンドウが開きます


  • 【決算期】3月期
  • 【上場時期】2002年10月
  • 【市場】東証プライム
  • 【証券コード】2335
  • 【時価総額】17,451百万円(24年6月7日終値)
  • 【特色】独立系の中堅システムインテグレーター。優良顧客を持ち安定成長。


決算期 売上高 営業利益 経常利益 純利益 EPS(円) 配当(円)
13/3 9,241 601 606 337 22.5 11.0
14/3 11,217 664 701 386 25.8 11.0
15/3 12,527 964 980 954 39.8 14.0
16/3 12,622 949 960 628 43.2 14.0
17/3 12,899 781 811 551 39.2 14.0
18/3 13,559 855 892 567 40.6 16.0
19/3 14,325 921 959 596 43.25 16.0
20/3 14,708 959 976 525 49.58 18.0
21/3 14,788 1,174 1,295 844 62.11 20.0
22/3 16,099 1,417 1,432 944 69.82 23.0
23/3 16,325 1,452 1,480 989 70.35 50.0
24/3 18,021 1,536 1,590 1,067 70.39 35.0
25/3予 18,800 1,600 1,650 1,100 72.55 40.0



  • 調査レポート


    CUBE SYSTEM's FY 2024 Research ReportFull ReportPDFを新規ウィンドウで開きますin English was published

    2335 CUBE SYSTEM:Record results last FY with increased sales & profits; performance continues to be strong this FY
    ・Last fiscal year, results were mostly in line with the plan. Record-high results were achieved, with 10.4% sales growth and 7.8% net profit growth. The increase in sales to the NRI Group and orders in the SI Business contributed to absorbing the increase in costs.
    ・This fiscal year, sales are expected to increase by 4.3%, mainly from the financial and other industries (government, manufacturing, etc.), the Enhancement Business, and SI Contracting projects. Plans a 3.1% increase in profit, although costs will increase due to continued strategic investment in building its development organization and facilities. Plans to achieve record-high results for the consecutive year.
    ・The target dividend payout ratio will be raised from 40% to 50%, with plans to increase dividends.
    ・In the final year of the new medium-term plan (the fiscal year ending March 2027), it aims to achieve sales of 23 billion yen (CAGR +8.5%) and operating profit of 2.41 billion yen (CAGR +16.2%) in an exponential growth.

  • 調査レポート


    24/3期本決算を対象とした フルレポートPDFを新規ウィンドウで開きますを掲載しました。

    ~2335 キューブシステム:2335 キューブシステム:前期は増収増益で過去最高の業績を達成、今期も好調持続。~

  • 調査レポート

  • 2024年2月20日

    CUBE SYSTEM's FY 2024 Q3 Research ReportShort ReportPDFを新規ウィンドウで開きますin English was published

    2335 CUBE SYSTEM:Double-digit sales and profit growth in Q3, in line with expectations; full-year forecast maintained and record-high results planned
    ・First nine months: sales grew 13.3% and net profit grew 20.7% YoY, generally in line with expectations.
    ・By business model, the SI Business contributed the most to the results, while by industry it was the financial and other industries and by service category it was the SIS that contributed the most.
    ・Profitability improved due to the shift to high-profit projects and the optimization of resources. Therefore, profit increased with the sales growth.
    ・CUBE SYSTEM has maintained its full-year forecast and plans to achieve record-high results.
    ・Companies are actively investing in IT, especially for DX, due to strong corporate performance.

  • 調査レポート


    24/3期第3四半期決算を対象とした ショートレポートPDFを新規ウィンドウで開きますを掲載しました。

    ~2335 キューブシステム:Q3は二桁の増収増益、想定線。通期予想を据え置き、過去最高業績を計画。~

  • 2023年11月29日

    CUBE SYSTEM's FY 2024 Q2 Research ReportShort ReportPDFを新規ウィンドウで開きますin English was published

    2335 CUBE SYSTEM: Sales and profits rose sharply in the first half, exceeding the initial forecast. Full-year forecast remains unchanged but may be revised upward.
    ・First-half results: Sales rose by 14.2% and net profit rose by 29.1% YOY. Record-high results were achieved.
    ・Thanks to the SI Business (financial, distribution, and other industries), the results exceeded the initial forecast made at the beginning of the fiscal year.
    ・Profitability improved due to the shift to high-profit projects and optimization of resources. The order backlog is also increasing.
    ・The company has not changed its full-year forecast, but upward revisions to sales, profits, and dividends are becoming more likely.
    ・Since the company’s forecast for the second half seems somewhat conservative, we have made further upward revisions to our full-year forecast for this fiscal year.

  • 調査レポート


    24/3期第2四半期決算を対象とした ショートレポートPDFを新規ウィンドウで開きますを掲載しました。

    ~2335 キューブシステム:上期は大幅増収増益、期初予想を上回る。通期予想を据え置くが上振れ余地あり。~

  • 調査レポート


    CUBE SYSTEM's FY 2024 Q1 Research ReportShort ReportPDFを新規ウィンドウで開きますin English was published

    2335 CUBE SYSTEM: Strong Q1 results with double-digit growths in sales and profit; planning to post record-high profit for the full fiscal year
    ・In Q1, sales grew by 12.4% YoY and net profit rose significantly by 34.2% YoY.
    ・The SI business was the growth driver.
    ・Profit margins improved due to the further consolidation of resources and streamlining of operations.
    ・It expects to achieve record high full-year sales and profits for the consecutive year by receiving orders from customers for strategic IT investment projects (DX, cloud, etc.).
    ・The ordinary dividend is also planned to be raised for the consecutive year.

  • 調査レポート


    24/3期第1四半期決算を対象とした ショートレポートPDFを新規ウィンドウで開きますを掲載しました。

    ~2335 キューブシステム:Q1は二桁の増収増益と好調。通期には過去最高益の更新を計画~

  • 調査レポート


    CUBE SYSTEM's FY 2023 Research ReportFull ReportPDFを新規ウィンドウで開きますin English was published

    2335 CUBE SYSTEM: Achieved its plan last FY with slight growths in sales and profit; its plan for this FY is to grow sales and profit at double-digit rates, achieving record-high results for consecutive years, and to raise ordinary dividend
    ・Last fiscal year, the Company achieved its revised plan, the plan which had been revised downward from the initial forecast. It attained record-high sales and profit, albeit with slight growth.
    ・This fiscal year, an increase in orders is expected since its customers are continuing to actively make strategic IT investments. It plans to achieve double-digit growths in sales and profit to attain record-high results for consecutive years. It also plans to consecutively raise its ordinary dividend.
    ・Since it has become NRI’s equity-method affiliate, alliance effects are anticipated.
    ・For further growth, it plans to invest its raised capital in the expansion and enhancement of its development sites and production system over the medium term.

  • 調査レポート


    23/3期本決算を対象とした フルレポートPDFを新規ウィンドウで開きますを掲載しました。

    ~2335 キューブシステム:前期は計画を達成し、微増収・微増益。今期は2桁の増収増益・過去最高業績の連続更新と普通配当の増配を計画。~

  • 調査レポート


    CUBE SYSTEM's FY 2023 Q3 Research ReportShort ReportPDFを新規ウィンドウで開きますin English was published

    2335 CUBE SYSTEM:CUBE SYSTEM: sales & profit decline in Q3; full-year forecast revised down but sales & profit growth still expected
    ・In Q3, sales and profits declined due to employee shortage and because measures to improve profit were less effective than expected.
    ・Although the full-year forecast was revised downward, the Company maintained its forecast that it will increase sales and profits to record-high figures. Dividend was also not changed.
    ・Formed a capital and business alliance with NRI. Plans to invest over 2.1 billion yen to strengthen its production facilities and production system.
    ・Positive effects expected from the alliance and investments over the medium to long term.
    ・Although employee shortage is a bottleneck, the demand for IT investments such as DX is strong, so sales and profit growth is expected in the next fiscal year as well.

  • 調査レポート


    23/3期第3四半期決算を対象とした ショートレポートPDFを新規ウィンドウで開きますを掲載しました。

    ~2335 キューブシステム:Q3減収減益。通期予想を下方修正、増収増益は維持~

  • 調査レポート


    CUBE SYSTEM's FY 2023 Q2 Research ReportShort ReportPDFを新規ウィンドウで開きますin English was published

    2335 CUBE SYSTEM: in the first half, sales & profit declined and fell short of plan; no change to full-year forecast that sales & profit will grow
    ・In the first half, sales and profit growth had been planned, but the results fell short of plan due to the change in the corporate customers' IT investment policies. Profit-improvement measures had also been less effective than expected, and sales and operating profit decreased by 2% and 20% YoY, respectively.
    ・Expecting recovery in the second half, the Company maintained its plan made at the beginning of the fiscal year that it will achieve sales and profit growth for the full fiscal year and hit consecutive record highs for sales and profit. It also plans for a large dividend hike through the payment of commemorative dividend.
    ・Due to strong demand from IT investments such as those for DX, increase in sales, profit, and dividend can be expected in the next fiscal year too.

  • 調査レポート


    23/3期第2四半期決算を対象とした ショートレポートPDFを新規ウィンドウで開きますを掲載しました。

    ~2335 キューブシステム:上期;計画未達で減収減益。通期;増収増益予想を維持~

  • 調査レポート


    CUBE SYSTEM's FY 2023 Q1 Research ReportShort ReportPDFを新規ウィンドウで開きますin English was published

    2335 CUBE SYSTEM:sales & profit declined in this FY's Q1 but no change to full-year forecast; announced dividend hike
    ・This FY's Q1: sales declined by 2.4% YoY and operating profit declined by 28.1% YoY due to scaled-down system building projects and upfront investments. Results seem to have fallen somewhat short of the company plan as there was a delay in receiving orders for some of the projects and in improving the earnings of the Enhancement Business.
    ・However, progress with both sales and operating profit in Q1 in terms of the full-year plan was about the same as the average (of the actual progress) over the past nine years.
    ・There was no change to the full-year forecast that it will achieve consecutive record highs for sales and profits.
    ・It plans to increase sales and profits by shifting to the SI Business and the Digital Business and receiving orders for projects related to strategic IT investments and high-profit projects, while covering the increase in cost through profit margin improvement realized by resource optimization.
    ・Announced to pay a commemorative dividend for the 50th anniversary since founding. Plans to increase the annual dividend from 26 yen to 50 yen.

  • 調査レポート


    23/3期第1四半期決算を対象とした ショートレポートPDFを新規ウィンドウで開きますを掲載しました。

    ~2335 キューブシステム:今期Q1は減収減益だが通期予想は変えず。増配を発表~

  • 調査レポート


    CUBE SYSTEM's FY 2022 Research ReportFull ReportPDFを新規ウィンドウで開きますin English was published

    2335 CUBE SYSTEM: record sales & profits last FY, planning for consecutive record highs and dividend hike this FY
    ・Last FY: achieved goals and hit record-high sales and profits
    ・Sales grew by 8.9% YOY due to the increase in orders such as those for system development received from the transportation & telecommunications industries.
    ・Operating profit grew significantly by 20.7% YOY due to the improvement of profit margin from the shift to high-profit projects and optimization of resources.
    ・This FY: planning for consecutive record-high sales and profits and consecutive dividend hike, expecting to increase sales and profits by successfully receiving orders for projects related to strategic IT investments
    ・Revised the medium-term plan upward. Shifting to the SI Business and the Digital Business.

  • 調査レポート


    22/3期本決算を対象とした フルレポートPDFを新規ウィンドウで開きますを掲載しました。

    ~2335 キューブシステム:前期は過去最高売上高と利益を更新、今期も連続更新・増配を計画~

  • 調査レポート


    CUBE SYSTEM's FY 2022 Q3 Research ReportShort ReportPDFを新規ウィンドウで開きますin English was published

    2335 CUBE SYSTEM:solid Q3 results with 2-digit sales & profit growth; potential for upward revision of full-year results
    ・Q3 results: sales grew by 13.7% YoY due to the increase in orders received for system building projects, etc., from the distribution, transportation, and telecommunication industries
    ・Significant operating profit growth of 41.7% YoY achieved due to improvement in profit margin from shifting to high-profit projects and optimizing resources
    ・Q3 progress against the full-year forecast was higher than expected; the Company’s full-year forecast has the potential to be revised upward.
    ・Highly likely to hit consecutive record highs in sales and profits

  • 調査レポート


    22/3期第3四半期決算を対象とした ショートレポートPDFを新規ウィンドウで開きますを掲載しました。

    ~2335 キューブシステム:Q3好決算・2桁の増収増益、通期上方修正余地あり。~

  • 調査レポート


    CUBE SYSTEM's FY 2022 Q2 Research ReportShort ReportPDFを新規ウィンドウで開きますin English was published

    2335 CUBE SYSTEM: H1 results were above expectation with large sales & profit growth; full-year forecast for profit & dividend revised up
    ・H1 results: Sales grew by 13.8% YoY thanks to the acquisition of strategic investment projects related to systems for transport companies and the cloud, etc. Significant operating profit growth of 35.1% YoY due to the shift to high-profit projects and optimization of resources.
    ・Progress with business structure/model reform, contributing to sales and profit through the SI Business.
    ・The Company revised its full-year forecast for profit and dividend upward.
    ・Since the Company’s forecasts for second-half sales and profit seem somewhat conservative, there is potential for the results to become higher, and we reviewed and revised our forecast upward.

  • 調査レポート


    22/3期第2四半期決算を対象とした ショートレポートPDFを新規ウィンドウで開きますを掲載しました。

    ~2335 キューブシステム:上期は想定超・大幅増収増益、通期予想は利益と配当を増額修正~

  • 調査レポート


    CUBE SYSTEM's FY 2022 Q1 Research ReportShort ReportPDFを新規ウィンドウで開きますin English was published

    2335 CUBE SYSTEM: large sales & profit growth in Q1; H1 forecast revised up; full-year forecast unchanged but has potential to be revised up
    ・Q1 results: sales +18.2% YoY due to new strategic investment projects, etc.
    ・Operating profit grew significantly by +56.5% YoY due to the shift to high-profit projects and the optimization of resources.
    ・Growth thanks to SI businesses related to delivery systems and the cloud
    ・The Company revised its H1 forecast upward, but kept the full-year forecast the same due to uncertainties caused by COVID-19.
    ・Since the Company's forecast of sales and profits after Q1 seems somewhat conservative, Alpha-Win Research Dept. revised this FY's forecast upward.

  • 調査レポート


    22/3期第1四半期決算を対象とした ショートレポートPDFを新規ウィンドウで開きますを掲載しました。

    ~2335 キューブシステム:Q1は大幅増収増益、上期予想を上方修正。通期予想は据え置くが上振れ余地あり~

  • 調査レポート


    CUBE SYSTEM's FY 2021 Research ReportFull ReportPDFを新規ウィンドウで開きますin English was published

    2335 CUBE SYSTEM:last FY, record profit & dividend hike; this FY, expecting sales & profit growth again
    ・Last FY: Record-high sales & profit. Dividend hike. Sales growth was small, but improvement in the profit margin contributed to the results.
    ・This FY: Expecting sales & profit growth again. Recovery in the second half is anticipated.
    ・New medium-term plan: With growth of digitalization and SI businesses, expecting annual sales growth rate of 7.8%.
    ・Final year of plan (FY 2024): Aiming for sales of Y18.5 billion and operating profit of Y1.48 billion.
    ・Actively engaged in developing new technologies/services and forming alliances with other companies.

  • 調査レポート


    21/3期本決算を対象とした フルレポートPDFを新規ウィンドウで開きますを掲載しました。

    ~2335 キューブシステム:前期、過去最高益を更新し増配。今期も増収増益を計画~

  • 調査レポート


    CUBE SYSTEM's FY 2021 Q3 Research ReportShortl ReportPDFを新規ウィンドウで開きますin English was published

    2335 CUBE SYSTEM: solid Q3 results, upward revision of FY profit more likely
    ・Q3 results: small sales growth, but significant profit growth thanks to gross margin improvement and control of SG&A expenses
    ・Decline in sales and profit of business for finance/distribution industries was offset by the delivery service system business for the transportation industry and the education-related business in the “other industries” category.
    ・Realized gain on investment of Y130 million, which had not been expected at the beginning of the FY, was recorded under non-operating profit.
    ・Assumptions for Q4 profit margins and costs seem conservative. For the full FY, sales may fall below target, but upward revisions in profit can be expected.
    ・Next FY, the new medium-term plan will be started under the new president. Will focus on areas such as DX, blockchain, and AI.

  • 調査レポート


    21/3期第3四半期決算を対象とした ショートレポートPDFを新規ウィンドウで開きますを掲載しました。

    ~2335 キューブシステム:2021年3月第3四半期決算好調、通期利益の上方修正期待が高まる~

  • 調査レポート


    CUBE SYSTEM's FY 2021 Q2 Research ReportShortl ReportPDFを新規ウィンドウで開きますin English was published

    2335 CUBE SYSTEM:solid H1 results, large profit growth, expecting record profit for full FY
    ・H1 results: small sales growth YoY, but large profit growth with expenses held down, streamlined operation, and elimination of unprofitable projects. Record-high H1 profit.
    ・COVID-19 crisis caused stagnation in negotiations and fewer received orders. In H2, planning to conduct upfront investment and strengthen sales activity for future growth.
    ・The Company’s H2 profit forecast is conservative. No change to the full-year forecast made at the beginning of the FY. Increasing likelihood of achieving record-high full-year profit.
    ・Actively expanding into the digital business. Domestic-demand-related, defensive, and stable growth stock.
    ・Stock price reflects solid financial performance. Continuing to outperform its competitors and TOPIX.

  • 調査レポート


    21/3期第2四半期決算を対象とした ショートレポートPDFを新規ウィンドウで開きますを掲載しました。

    ~2335 キューブシステム:2021年3月第2四半期(上期)は好調で大幅増益、通期も過去最高益を更新する見込み~

  • 調査レポート


    CUBE SYSTEM's FY 2021 Q1 Research ReportShortl ReportPDFを新規ウィンドウで開きますin English was published

    2335 CUBE SYSTEM: In Q1, small sales decline but large profit growth due to improved profitability; full-year forecast unchanged
    ・Q1 results: sales -0.2%, but large profit growth with expenses held down and no unprofitable projects unlike last FY
    ・Due to COVID-19, negotiations were stalled, causing a decline in the orders received. Plans for countermeasures and enhancement of sales activities.
    ・Kept the full-year financial forecast made at the beginning of the FY that sales will grow by 8.8% and net profit will grow by 33.3%
    ・Domestic-demand-related, defensive, and stable growth stock
    ・Stock price outperforming TOPIX thanks to solid financial performance. Valuation is about the same as its competitors.

  • 調査レポート


    21/3期第1四半期決算を対象とした ショートレポートPDFを新規ウィンドウで開きますを掲載しました。

    ~2335 キューブシステム:Q1は微減収ながら採算が改善し大幅増益、通期予想は維持~

  • 調査レポート


    CUBE SYSTEM's FY 2020 Research ReportFull ReportPDFを新規ウィンドウで開きますin English was published

    2335 CUBE SYSTEM: sales/profit/dividend rose last FY, aiming again for record profit this FY
    ・Last FY's results: sales and profit were below the Company's initial forecast, but results were solid as sales grew 2.7% YoY and O.P. grew 4.4% YoY. Due to an extraordinary loss, net profit decreased, but dividend rose by Y2. As business toward finance recovered, sales hit a record high. O.P. and R.P. came close to record highs.
    ・This FY's forecast: planning for 8.8% sales growth and double-digit profit growth. Will aim again to achieve record-high profit. Under the new president, it will focus on strengthening profitability management, digitalization businesses such as DX and AI, and proposal-based business. Point of interest: next medium-term plan.

  • 調査レポート


    20/3期本決算を対象とした フルレポートPDFを新規ウィンドウで開きますを掲載しました。

    ~2335 キューブシステム::前期は増収減益・増配、今期は最高益更新に再挑戦~
    ・ 中期的には6~10%の年間利益成長率を予想。

  • 調査レポート


    CUBE SYSTEM's FY 2020 Q3 Research ReportShort ReportPDFを新規ウィンドウで開きますin English was published

    2335 CUBE SYSTEM:flat but solid Q3 results, 2-digit full-year profit growth still expected
    In Q3, sales grew by 1.3% and O.P. grew by 2.1% thanks to recovery of business with the finance industry.The results are flat on a YoY comparison but solid compared to competitors.
    Anticipating Q4 growth, no change was made to this FY's targets - 8.2% sales growth, 2-digit profit growth, and Y2 dividend hike. Aiming for record-high sales and profit.
    Domestic-demand-related, defensive, stable growth stock. Valuation does not seem expensive. Key point: current and next FY's financial performance. Next FY, the president will change. Will focus on DX.

  • 調査レポート


    2020/3期第3四半期決算を対象とした ショートレポートPDFを新規ウィンドウで開きますを掲載しました。

    ~2335 キューブシステム Q3決算はフラットだが堅調,通期2桁増益予想を維持~
    Q3決算は金融業向けが回復し、1.3%の増収、2.1%の営業増益。前期比ではフラットだが、同業他社比では堅調。 Q4の伸長を見越し今期8.2%の増収、二桁増益、2円の増配計画に変更なし。最高売上高、利益の更新を狙う。

  • 調査レポート


    CUBE SYSTEM's FY 2020 Q2 Research ReportShort ReportPDFを新規ウィンドウで開きますin English was published

    2335 CUBE SYSTEM:H1 sales/profit rose, plans record FY profit
    This H1: sales +3.2% & O.P. +9.4% YoY. Recovering from loss in Q1. Strong sales, hitting H1 record high.
    Sales & profit were slightly below initial targets due to costs from some unprofitable projects, but profit rose with greater sales & margins.
    Unchanged full-year forecast: sales +8.2%, double-digit profit growth, record-high profit, and Y2 dividend hike.

  • 調査レポート


    2020/3期第2四半期決算を対象とした ショートレポートPDFを新規ウィンドウで開きますを掲載しました。

    ~2335 キューブシステム:上期、計画を下回るが増収増益、通期最高益の更新は不変~

  • 調査レポート


    CUBE SYSTEM's FY 2020 Q1 Research ReportShort ReportPDFを新規ウィンドウで開きますin English was published

    2335 CUBE SYSTEM: sales up & profit down in Q1, unchanged FY forecast
    In Q1, sales rose but profit fell due to unprofitable projects. Should watch the Company’s profitability in Q2 and onward.
    With a strong pace in receiving orders, no change has been made to the full-year forecast that sales and profits will increase, dividend will be raised, and record-high sales/profits will be achieved.
    Over the medium to long term, we expect a continuous rise in IT investments and a stable sales and profit growth of 8-10% per year.

  • 調査レポート


    20202/3期第1四半期決算を対象とした ショートレポートPDFを新規ウィンドウで開きますを掲載しました。

    ~2335 キューブシステム:Q1は増収減益、通期見通しは変更なし~

  • 調査レポート


    CUBE SYSTEM's FY 2019 Research ReportFull ReportPDFを新規ウィンドウで開きますin English was published

    2335 Cube System:expects record-high sales/profit & dividend hike this FY
    Independent system integrator – specialized, mid-tier company.
    Defensive, domestic-demand-related growth stock.
    Annual growth rate for sales and profit over the past 18 years is approx. 6%. Strong long-term financial performance and stock performance.
    In the previous FY, strong financial performance with consecutive rise in sales and profits. This FY, record-high sales and profits and an increase in dividend are expected.
    Focused on the strengthening of the Enhancement business, acquisition of new customers, overseas development, and new business domains and technologies including AI, the cloud, and IoT.
    Expecting a 6-10% annual profit growth rate over the medium term.

  • 調査レポート


    19/3期本決算を対象とした フルレポートPDFを新規ウィンドウで開きますを掲載しました。

    ~2335 キューブシステム:今期、過去最高売上高と利益の更新、増配の見込み~

  • 調査レポート


    CUBE SYSTEM's FY 2019 Q3 Research ReportShort ReportPDFを新規ウィンドウで開きますin English was published

    2335 CUBE SYSTEM: Great Q3 as profit soared, plans share buyback
    Excellent fundamentals maintained. For this Q3’s results, sales rose by 9% and recurring profit rose by 40%.
    Results were along the Company’s plan, and its full-year plan made at the beginning of the fiscal year also seems achievable.
    Large increase in sales for the consulting business and system development for manufacturers as well as cost control contributed to profit.
    Share buyback was announced, positively affecting stock price.
    We should keep watching this company as a domestically-oriented, defensive, and stable growth stock.

  • 調査レポート


    19/3期第3四半期決算を対象とした ショートレポートPDFを新規ウィンドウで開きますを掲載しました。

    ~2335 キューブシステム 今Q3は大幅増益と好調、自社株買いを発表し株価は好感~

  • 調査レポート


    CUBE SYSTEM's FY 2019 Q2 Research ReportFull ReportPDFを新規ウィンドウで開きますin English was published

    2335 Cube System: Great results, plans record-high FY2019 profit
    Independent, mid-tier SI. Steady business expansion. Increases and record-highs in sales/profits planned this FY.
    Over the medium term, steady double-digit annual growth expected for sales/profits.

  • 調査レポート


    19/3期第2四半期決算を対象とした フルレポートPDFを新規ウィンドウで開きますを掲載しました。

    ~2335 キューブシステム 業績好調、今期は過去最高益の更新を計画~

  • 調査レポート


