- 【決算期】9月期
- 【上場時期】2014年9月
- 【市場】東証グロース
- 【証券コード】3690
- 【時価総額】3,620百万円(24年8月16日終値)
- 【特色】国内企業のマーケティングDXを支援するプラットフォームビジネスを運営
決算期 | 売上高 | 営業利益 | 経常利益 | 純利益 | EPS(円) | 配当(円) |
14/9 | 1,360 | 249 | 233 | 137 | 24.0 | 0.0 |
15/9 | 1,437 | 350 | 352 | 230 | 36.9 | 4.5 |
16/9 | 1,612 | 247 | 250 | 168 | 26.8 | 5.0 |
17/9 | 1,719 | 92 | 106 | 72 | 11.6 | 5.0 |
18/9 | 1,804 | -98 | -115 | -88 | -14.0 | 0.0 |
19/9 | 2,204 | 84 | 79 | -34 | -5.5 | 0.0 |
20/9 | 2,618 | 276 | 261 | 183 | 29.1 | 4.0 |
21/9 | 2,957 | 365 | 364 | 239 | 33.3 | 5.2 |
22/9 | 3,334 | 392 | 399 | 236 | 37.7 | 7.0 |
23/9 | 3,624 | 318 | 329 | 197 | 31.4 | 7.4 |
24/9予 | 3,650 | 140 | 135 | 55 | 8.91 | 7.6 |
- 2024年8月28日
- 2024年6月14日
YRGLM Inc.'s FY 2024 Q2 Research ReportMiddle Reportin English was published
3690 YRGLM: In the first half, sales grew slightly, while profit was halved due to upfront investments, results may fall short of the full-year forecast.
・In the first half of this fiscal year, sales increased by +2.2% YOY, driven by the expansion of the E-Commerce Website Building & Operation business, while net profit fell sharply by -59.8%. However, both were within the Company's expectations. The Company has maintained the full-year forecast that was announced at the beginning of the fiscal year. However, its expectation of a rapid recovery in the second half of the year diverges from the current situation, so both sales and profits may fall short of the plan.
・Marketing DX Support segment: -3.7% decline in sales and -50.4% decline in profit, mainly due to lower sales of AD EBiS and investment in the development of new services. However, the number of accounts (KPI) of the Marketing Process business has increased for two quarters in a row.
・E-Commerce Support segment: Sales increased by +28.6% thanks to the E-Commerce Website Building & Operation business, but profit declined sharply by -52.8% due to upfront investments (personnel expenses, etc.) associated with business expansion. The sales proportion (KPI) of the E-Commerce Website Building & Operation business of the E-Commerce Support segment has increased from 50% at the end of the previous fiscal year to 62%.
・This fiscal year, the Company plans to increase its dividend by +0.5 yen YOY to 7.9 yen, with a target DOE of 2.5%. The shareholder benefit program will be resumed starting this fiscal year to increase shareholder returns.
This fiscal year, the Company plans to increase its dividend by +0.5 yen YOY to 7.9 yen, with a target DOE of 2.5%. The shareholder benefit program will be resumed starting this fiscal year to increase shareholder returns.
- 2024年6月10日
・今期はDOE 2.5%を目安に、前期比+0.5円増配の7.9円を計画。今期より株主優待制度を再開し、株主還元を強化。
- 2024年2月22日
- 2023年12月22日
YRGLM Inc.'s FY 2023 Research ReportFull Reportin English was published
3690 YRGLM:Sales grew & profits fell last FY, but within expectations.
・Previous fiscal year: Sales grew by +8.8%, hitting a record high. On the other hand, profits declined by double digits due to a decrease in the sales of AD EBiS, which has a high profit margin. However, both sales and profits were within the company’s forecast range. Dividends were paid as planned.
・This fiscal year: The company expects a +13.1% growth in sales, but due to upfront investment costs, a 28.9% decline in net profit is expected.
・The company will enhance shareholder return by consecutively increasing dividend, resuming its shareholder benefit program, and conducting share buybacks, among other measures.
- 2023年12月22日
- 2023年8月15日
- 2023年6月21日
YRGLM Inc.'s FY 2023 Q2 Research ReportMiddle Reportin English was published
3690 YRGLM: Sales and profit grew in the first half; revised down full-year forecast due to slower growth of AD EBiS and greater investment costs
・In the first half, sales and profit grew at double-digit rates thanks to businesses in the areas of incubation and e-commerce website building & operation support.
・On the other hand, it acquired less new customers for AD EBiS than expected. The Company also plans to continue upfront investments for the development of the new services.
・It consequently revised down its forecast for this full fiscal year, expecting sales to grow but profit to decline. The amount of dividend was also revised down.
・Profit improvement by the new services is anticipated to lead to increases in sales, profit, and dividends in the next fiscal year.
- 2023年6月7日
~3690 イルグルム:上期は増収増益、アドエビスの鈍化と投資負担増から通期予想を減額修正~
- 2023年2月22日
- 2023年1月12日
YRGLM Inc.'s FY 2022 Research ReportFull Reportin English was published
3690 YRGLM:profit was above plan last FY; will raise sales & dividend this FY
・In last FY's results, sales grew by 12.7%, but SG&A expenses increased and net profit resulted in a 1.5% decline. Sales fell short of the revised forecast but profit exceeded the forecast.
・Sales of the core business, AD EBiS, grew despite the continued decrease in the number of accounts, thanks to the rise in the unit price. With also the sales growth of the Incubation business, sales and profit of the Marketing PF segment grew.
・The EC PF segment's sales grew due to company acquisition, but profit declined due to the increase in related costs, etc.
・This FY, sales are expected to grow by 17% and net profit is expected to grow by 1.7%. Planning for record-high sales and profit as well as a consecutive increase in dividend.
・Has set a medium- to long-term theme of achieving sales of 10 billion yen through M&As and the growth of the new businesses.
- 2022年12月22日
- 2022年8月22日
- 2022年6月16日
YRGLM Inc.'s FY 2022 Q2 Research ReportMiddle Reportin English was published
3690 YRGLM:sales growth and slight profit decline in the first half; revised full-year forecast downward; actively investing for growth
・First half: sales grew by 7.8% YOY and operating profit declined by 1.3% YOY.
・Sales and profit of the main Marketing Platform business grew due to the growth of its new services, etc. Sales and profit of the EC Platform business declined due to intensified competition.
・Revised its full-year forecast downward and announced that there will be a smaller increase in dividend
・Actively investing for the next stage of growth, aiming for a new growth trend in business performance
- 2022年6月9日
~3690 イルグルム:上期は増収・微減益、通期予想を下方修正。成長に向け積極投資~
- 2022年2月14日
- 2021年12月28日
YRGLM Inc.'s FY 2021 Research ReportFull Reportin English was published
3690 YRGLM: solid results last FY; record profit planned this FY
・Last FY: sales grew by 12% YoY and net profit grew significantly by 31% YoY.
・Sales were slightly lower than planned, but profit was about 10% above plan.
・EC-related business and the rise in unit price of the core business AD EBiS contributed to the results.
・Strengthened marketing DX support. Acquired Spoo! and TOPICA as consolidated subsidiaries to build new services.
・Through cost control, SG&A expenses ratio decreased and operating margin improved. Since its business has a high marginal profit ratio, sales growth also contributed to the profit growth.
・This FY: planning for 22% sales growth, 34% net profit growth, consecutive record highs for sales and profits, and dividend hike
・Next FY: through M&As and growth of the new businesses, aiming to achieve sales of Y5 billion, operating margin of 15%, and dividend hike (DOE of more than 3%).
- 2021年12月20日
- 2021年8月20日
- 2021年6月16日
YRGLM Inc.'s FY 2021 Q2 Research ReportMiddle Reportin English was published
3690 YRGLM: H1 profit above expectation; room for upward revision to full-year profit; dividend hike
・H1 results: large sales & profit growth. Profit grew by 2.5x YoY. Sales grew as expected, but profit seems to have exceeded the Company's plan.
・Due to a business model with a high marginal profit ratio, sales growth directly led to profit growth.
・Decreased SG&A expenses ratio, rise in unit price of AD EBiS, and solid progress of the EC-related businesses contributed to growth.
・The Company provided a rather firm forecast of its full-year profit, with room for upward revisions. Announced a dividend hike for the full year.
・Key points to watch: future M&As and development of the new businesses. Annual profit growth rate of 20% is expected over the medium term.
- 2021年5月25日
~3690 イルグルム 上期利益は想定超、通期利益に上方修正余地、配当増額~
- 2021年2月25日
~3690イルグルム Q1は過去最高益を更新、通期も大幅増収増益で増配を計画~
- 2020年12月15日
YRGLM Inc.'s FY 2020 Research ReportFull Reportin English was published
3690 YRGLM: last FY, dividend resumed & profit revised up; this FY, sales/profit growth expected
・Last FY’s results: sales/profit growth; V-shaped recovery. Sales did not reach company forecast but profit was revised up. Turnaround to net profit & resumed dividend payment.
・Solid performance of the main AD EBiS and EC businesses. Helped by cost improvement.
・Did not disclose a financial forecast at the beginning of this FY due to the unpredictability of the COVID-19 impact
・Sales/profit growth and dividend hike expected again this FY; this trend is expected to continue over the medium term.
・Decides its dividend policy based on DOE. Plans to enhance the return to shareholders.
・Announced a new medium-term business plan: aiming for consolidated sales of Y5 bn, operating margin of 15%, and DOE of at least 3% in FY 2023, the final year of the plan.
- 2020年12月7日
- 2020年8月12日
~3690 イルグルム Q3決算は好調、復配はサプライズ、今通期の利益は強含み~
- 2020年6月16日
YRGLM Inc.'s FY 2020 Q2 Research ReportMiddle Reportin English was published
3690 YRGLM: solid H1 results, large full-year sales & profit growth still expected, minimal COVID-19 impact
・H1 results are in line with its plan. 14% sales growth and a large 239% profit growth. With no extraordinary loss, turned a net profit.
・The main product AD EBiS has been successful with rising unit price and number of accounts. Minimal impact from COVID-19.
・No change to the full-year forecast: sales of Y2.7 bil, O.P. of Y200 mil, undetermined dividend
・V-shaped profit recovery expected with upfront investment settled down, greater cost management, sales growth, and improved margins
・Double-digit sales and profit growth expected to continue next FY and onward
・Key point: next medium-term plan – expected to be announced this year
- 2020年6月1日
~3690 イルグルム 上期決算は順調、通期の大幅増収増益計画は不変、コロナの影響は軽微~
- 2020年3月5日
YRGLM Inc.'s FY 2020 Q1 Research ReportShort Reportin English was published
3690 YRGLM: expecting large sales/profit growth, record sales, and net profit this FY
・Sells originally-developed Internet advertising effect measurement system to mid-tier and large companies in cloud format. A leading company in the field. Actively engaged in M&As and corporate alliances.
・This fiscal year's Q1: double-digit sales growth. Improvement from the previous net loss to a net profit thanks to the focus on the subscription-based business model.
・Announced the full-year financial forecast: a large sales/profit growth, record sales, and a net profit (in an improvement from the previous net loss).
・Sales target is Y2.7 billion and operating profit target is Y200 million. Looking forward to a v-shaped recovery in financial performance.
・Plans for an accelerated growth via new business development in related fields and synergy with the acquired businesses. Aiming for another growth phase. Ad-tech, domestic-demand-related growth stock.
- 2020年3月2日
~3690 イルグルム 今期大幅増収増益、過去最高売上の更新と最終利益の黒字化を見込む~
- 2019年12月26日
YRGLM Inc.'s FY 2019 Research ReportFull Reportin English was published
3690 YRGLM: performance clearly recovering in a V-shape.
・Last FY, sales hit an all-time high, the previous operating loss improved to profit, and profits were higher than the forecast. A net loss was posted due to an extraordinary loss. Still no dividend.
・This FY’s company forecast is undisclosed, but we expect consecutive rises in sales & profits and an improvement from net loss to net profit owing to the cloud business for Internet advertising effect measurement tools.
・Active M&As and business acquisitions; accelerated growth.
- 2019年12月13日
- 2019年6月14日
YRGLM Inc.'s( LOCKON CO., LTD.)FY 2019 Q2 Research ReportFull Reportin English was published
3690 LOCKON: Operating profit posted in H1, v-shaped performance recovery with successful business transition, starting another growth phase
・LOCKON CO., LTD. provides proprietary Internet advertising effect measurement system via the cloud to middle-sized and large companies.
・Posted an operating profit this H1 and made a v-shaped recovery in performance thanks to its successful business transition to a subscription-based business model. Starting another growth phase.
・AdTech-related domestic growth stock. Plans for sales of Y3 billion in FY 2020. Under the Marketing Robot strategy, plans for large growth with active M&As and alliances.
- 2019年5月31日
~3690 株式会社イルグルム(旧株式会社ロックオン),上期は営業黒字化、事業転換が成功し業績はV字回復。再成長局面へ~
- 2019年2月25日
LOCKON CO., LTD.'s FY 2019 Q1 Research ReportShort Reportin English was published
3690 LOCKON: positive OP for full year & share buyback announced
・LOCKON CO., LTD. disclosed Q1 results for FY 2019, performance is improving.
・Disclosed full-year forecast: sales growth by more than 20% & positive OP.
・Share buyback announced & stock price rising.
- 2019年2月19日
~3690 株式会社ロックオン,Q1赤字幅縮小、通期営利の黒字化予想と自社株買いを発表~
- 2019年1月31日
LOCKON CO., LTD.'s FY 2018 Research ReportFull Reportin English was published
3690 LOCKON CO., LTD.: expecting recovery of financial performance and profit for this FY with strong AD EBiS business
・LOCKON, CO., LTD.’s main product is its proprietary Internet advertising effect measurement system (AD EBiS), which it provides to companies via the cloud.
・A leading company in a niche market
・Subscription-based business. Is expected to enter a profitability-improvement stage through alliances with other companies and accumulated information assets.
・This fiscal year, profit and record-high sales are expected.
- 2018年12月27日
~3690 株式会社ロックオン,アドエビス好調で業績回復期待,今期黒字化が視野~
- 2018年12月27日